Heat Capacity Vs Specific Heat Capacity

When we heat a substance, it starts absorbing heat up to a certain limit, after which, its temperature starts rising. This limit of a substance to tolerate or absorb heat without raising the temperature is termed heat capacity. Therefore, heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a body by 1°C or 1°K.

Similarly, when the amount of body/substance is certain (1 kg / unity), the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature by 1°C or 1°K is termed specific heat capacity.
Heat change Absolute temperature change
➩  Q ∆T ]

In this article, we're interested in learning more about the difference between the "Heat Capacity & Specific Heat". 
Generally, heat capacity and specific heat capacity are two proportionality constants that relate to temperature change and the amount of heat.

Specific Heat Capacity Vs Heat Capacity
  1. Heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1°C or 1°K. Whereas Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by 1°C or 1°K.
  2. Heat capacity is an extensive property so it is dependent of amount of a substance whereas Specific heat capacity is an intensive property so it is independent of the amount of a substance.
  3. Heat capacity is the ability of a body to absorb heat without increasing the temperature Whereas specific heat capacity is the amount of heat added or removed to change the temperature.
  4. The unit of heat capacity is J/°C Whereas the unit of specific heat capacity is J/g°C.
  5. The formula for heat capacity, C= Q/∆T whereas the formula for specific heat capacity, c= Q/m.∆T

Why does specific heat increase with temperature?
Specific heat is the amount of heat that a body absorbs. When the body absorbs energy in the form of heat, the collision between particles increases which increases the kinetic energy of the molecule. As the temperature is the measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules, temperature increases here as well.
What Is Heat Capacity And Specific Heat?
Heat capacity (Hc): The ratio of heat supplied (Q) to the body to the change in its temperature ∆T is called heat capacity (Hc) of that body.
Hc = Q/∆T
Specific heat capacity (C): If the mass of a body is unity, then the heat capacity of the body is known as specific heat capacity or specific heat.
C = Q/m∆T

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